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The Day After: We Gon' Be Alright

Today I hosted a processing circle with my staff today at the AMAAD Institute. In the beginning, the team felt “frustrated,” “overwhelmed,” “angry” and just plain “tired.” Reasonably so. Some team members shared that they felt they've done their part, and others did not. Some shared that they're tired of fighting. Some shared that between the propositions and the measures and the ballots that they were completely overwhelmed and over their heads.


Then we moved further into a space of dialogue. The room began to lift into the space our ancestors. And how we stand on the shoulders of great men and women who fought tirelessly so that we can continue. Team members begin to share that they stand as the voice of reason and expertise for many of their friends, families, and colleagues, and honored their unique role in being a leader in their own right. Some spoke to their empowerment to take their advocacy to the next level-- to City Hall, to the Capital, to the State, to the White House.


We also looked at the role of self-care. I asked the room, “What do you plan to do to take care of yourself?” Folks mentioned community care-- that being able to take care of oneself is how we take care of community. Someone else mentioned spiritual care. Praying, meditating, and holding community with like-minded believers is a means to continue the work. Someone else mentioned elevating joy. From dancing to video games to a bubble bath and cocktail—ways to be joyful are essential.


Then we talked about how do we look forward? But I had to remind the time that we have always done the work, that we've continued to do the work, and that we show up as the work every day, not only as we serve, but as we exist.


I left my staff with a few notes of encouragement and I'm encouraging readers to be reminded of the same.


1.     Know your power.

2.     Own your voice.

3.     You are worthy of rest.

4.     We gon’ be alright.



While we are no stranger to a fight, we will still take care of ourselves, and each other. We will take care of our minds, bodies, and spirits. We will take care of community. We will hold space for the ancestors. We will continue to fight. And we gon' be alright.



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